2018-2019 Catalog and Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
GBIO 680 - In the Field with Spiders - Classification, Anatomy and Morphology (3 Credits) Prerequisite: None This course explores an abundant predator that is never more than six feet away from us: the spider. Students will receive an introduction to the scientific study of spiders, the largest entirely carnivorous order of animals. As one branch of scientific study of invertebrates, the course explains the importance of counting and cataloging spiders, how each new species is a treasure, and why scientists who specialize in the study of spiders find them so interesting.
Key course topics include the spider’s silk and web; its fangs and venom; and methods for field and laboratory research. Students will learn about species diversity, anatomy and morphology, biological classification, and how to make observations, interpret and analyze data, and draw conclusions. The course utilizes a diverse array of Museum instructional resources in a structured distance-learning environment.