2018-2019 Catalog and Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
APTH 690 - The Project Thesis Part I (3 Credits) Prerequisite: None The Project Thesis (Parts I & II) is the culminating capstone experience of the program. The course will be offered in two parts spanning the final two semesters. Working in small ‘companies’, students will research, create and implement an original piece of applied theatre. The written thesis accompanying the practical work will require each student to document the process, its goals and outcomes from her or his own perspective, to contextualize it in relation to its historical and cultural antecedents and to evaluate the experience, including personal lessons learned.
Before beginning the practical work of the Project Thesis, students will be required to submit a Project Proposal including a Review of Literature. The proposal will appraise the theories and main strands of thought they have encountered in the program to date, with particular reference to those most relevant to their project. They will also be expected to identify deficiencies in their knowledge and broaden their reading accordingly.