Feb 09, 2025
2020-2021 Catalog and Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BUS 655 - New Media and Electronic Commerce (3 Credits) Prerequisite: BUS 610 or equivalent course in marketing and two additional required courses “New Media” and “Web 2.0” are examined as an important transition from an old, static form of e-Commerce to one that is highly dynamic, networked and socially connected. The course will explore how these new tools and strategies are utilized to engage and inform customers through virtual, interactive and informative conversations that serve to retain them as loyal, life-long and profitable customers. The class will focus on the marketing and public relations potential of blogs, business and social networks, podcasting, viral marketing, virtual communities and wikis, and analyze how they are applied in the Web 2.0 strategies of the current brand-name companies who are leaders in their respective markets and industries. Students will conduct independent scholarly research based on areas of interest in response to classroom discussions and assigned and suggested readings.